Thursday, June 24, 2010

Australian Political Challenge: PM Kevin Rudd VS Julia Gillard, by Greg Tingle - 24th June 2010

Politics, media, new media website portals and gambling do mix.

Media Man and Gambling911 cross live...

Today Australian political history is set to be made, and the smart money is on Julia Gillard to become Australia's first female Prime Minster today, after Rudd's continued downward spiral over the past months.

Whilst both are Labor, word on the street and in political rounds is that "Rudd is on the nose and doesn't listen".

Voting occurs later this morning.

Rudd's about to declare the leadership vacant and a secret ballot outcome will be known in approximately one hour when it comes from caucus.

Some of the key issues that has hurt Rudd include but are not limited to:
poor communication to others in Parliament, being called a phony by a number of high profile Australian business tycoons, internet censorship, gambling reform, environment policy (emission trading scheme, whaling and solar power back flips)
education reforms and Australia's public hospital crisis. Rudd's 'Big Brother' like policy when it comes to internet censorship and freedom of the press are also being pointed to by numerous political and media commentators.

Environment Minister Peter Garrett, who had backed Mr Rudd's leadership yesterday, has now pledged allegiance to Ms Gillard.

Speaking to ABC TV in Morocco, where he is representing Australia at a meeting of the International Whaling Commission, Mr Garrett said Ms Gillard would be an "outstanding prime minister''.

"The government's record is a solid one," he said.

"But in these instances ... if someones going to contest the leadership of a calibre of Julia Gillard then she would have had my support."

Ms Gillard has also received vocal support this morning from Sports Minister Kate Ellis, senator Kate Lundy, backbencher Kelvin Thomson and WA MP Gary Gray.

Rudd Last Night...

"I was elected by the people of Australia as Prime Minister of Australia. I was elected to do a job. I intend to continue doing that job".

Julie Gillard Last Night...

"I will be a candidate in tomorrow's ballot"

Ms Gillard, the Deputy Prime Minister, had 76 of the 112 caucus votes with 30 minutes to go before the ballot.

Betting Odds

Ms Gillard is now $1.10 to be in charge when voters next go to the polls
Rudd’s odds have blown out from $2.70 to $4!

It's probably to late to place a bet at Betfair or Centrebet now, but punters, you can always bet on the outcome of the Labour VS Liberal election... likely to be Gillard VS Tony Abbott, which is looking on the cards as we go to press. More to come in the forum.

Bet with your head, not over it (as some say both Rudd and Gillard have done)!

Liberal leader Tony Abbott is understood to be enjoying the bloodbath.

The Late News... rumours circulating Rudd has stood down (rather than go to voting, such was the unpopularity of Rudd. Thanks Senator Conroy (Minister Of Censorship) for doing your little bit in seeing the downfall of Rudd. Cheers.

*Greg Tingle is a special contributor for Gambling911

*Media Man is primarily a media, publicity and internet portal development company