Greens candidates Craige McWhirter and Conny Harris joined one of the
party’s Senate candidates, David Shoebridge to shred a copy of John
Howard's WorkChoices legislation outside Tony Abbott's office in Manly.
Mr Shoebridge said: "As a lawyer practicing in employment and industrial
law I see on a daily basis how unfair the Howard Government's
WorkChoices laws are.
“John Howard’s industrial relations legislation is making life much
harder for working Australians and there is no evidence it has created
jobs or increased productivity.
"Kevin Rudd said he'd rip up WorkChoices, but now he's back flipped and
wants to keep most of it, including individual contracts. Labor wants
‘WorkChoices Lite’.
“The Greens are determined to immediately abolish the Australian
Building and Construction Commission, restore union rights of entry and
reinvigorate the industrial relations commission.
"We also want to scrap AWAs and protect all workers from unfair
dismissal," Mr Shoebridge said.
Mr McWhirter said “Re-electing Greens Senator Kerry Nettle is essential
if Australia is to have any hope of restoring fairness to the industrial
relations system.
“Greens balance of power in the senate will take away from an incoming
Rudd Labor government any excuse for not repealing all of WorkChoices.
“It is vital that John Howard’s control of the senate comes to an end.
The only way that can happen is with more Greens in the senate because
Labor cannot win back control on its own.
“The people the Northern Beaches want to see an end to WorkChoices and
voting Greens is the best way to do it,” Dr Conny Harris said.
For more information:
Conny Harris - 0432643295
Craige McWhirter - 0415958783
David Shoebridge - 0408 113 952
Craige McWhirter - Re-energising Mackellar!
Greens Candidate for Mackellar