Sunday, November 22, 2009

Shorten smackdown, by James Jeffrey - The Australian - 20th November 2009

There were so many parliamentary manoeuvres Sports Minister Kate Ellis might have used to defeat wrestler (and actor) Hulk Hogan, not least the Julia Gillard-favoured "mammoth backflip" and the fabled half-Wilson.

In the end, though, she trounced him with a little help from young cancer sufferer Mark Dunn and raised funds for the Make A Wish Foundation in the process. Good show all round. Strewth was especially taken with Bill Shorten who, attending in his capacity as Parliamentary Secretary for Disabilities and Children's Services, gave us this invaluable insight: "In the heart of every politician lurks the soul of a frustrated wrestler. We all see ourselves as the good guys, and our opponents as the heels. We dream of flying off the top turnbuckle to demolish our opponents with a well-timed bodyslam, or ending a difficult interview by putting that pesky journalist in a figure-four leg-lock. In our ideal world, the Speaker would introduce question time with a cry of `Are you ready to rumble?'" (Credit: The Australia)

Media Man Profiles

Make A Wish Foundation

Hulk Hogan
