Friday, July 30, 2010

GenerationOne Ideas Forum - Fox Studios, Sydney, Australia - 29th July 2010

GenerationOne had its first Ideas Forum today on Indigenous employment that lasts. The key outcomes of the forum focused on job specific training fostered by industry and backed by governments. Jenny Brockie, from SBS TV’s Insight hosted a thought provoking forum with panelists Andrew Forrest (Founder of GenerationOne), Melinda Cilento (Business Council of Australia) Danny Lester (Aboriginal Employment Strategy), Leah Armstrong (Incoming CEO Reconciliation Australia) and Bruce McQualter (ANZ).

*Media Man founder and director, Greg Tingle, is a pro active campaigner and supporter of GenerationOne. Greg Tingle attended, pitched questions and conducted 1:1's after the forum

*Public thank you and well done to everyone involved in GenerationOne

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Sunday, July 25, 2010

Octopus debate reaction - multimedia (Fairfax Media)

Octopus debate reaction - multimedia (Fairfax Media)


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Saturday, July 17, 2010

Australian Political Betting: Election Called, by Greg Tingle - 17th July 2010

Readers er punters, the Australian federal election has been called by Prime Minister Julie Gillard, affectionately labeled 'Jungle Girl' by Media Man. To square things up the challenger for the title belt er Prime Ministership is Tony "The Bruiser" Abbott. Political betting tips, odds, background and more. Media Man and Gambling911 take you ringside for round one as the campaigning officially begins...

Punters, donkey's, politicians, my fellow citizens, the Australian political election is on.

Media Man and Gambling911 have learned that the Gillard VS Abbott showdown is 21st August. Mark it down and get ready to put money down if you're that way inclined.

Our friends at Centrebet are widely regarded as the the leading Australian bookie for political bets, and later in our bulletin we have a betting guide for your enjoyment an perhaps use. Got to love the Centrebet crew.

Centrebet head analyst Neil Evans had last week advised August 28 was the election date. Wrong Neil... you weren't trying to lead us astray were you mate?

Gillard is the shortest-price Prime Minister since Harold Holt led the Liberal Party to Australia's biggest federal victory way back in 1966.

Evans tipped us off that a prominent Australian lawyer had waged $60,000 for Labor to win at $1.22.

Centrebet has the ALP at $A1.22 favourite to win, the Age reports, compared to $A4.10 on offer for Tony Abbott's opposition.

A new Centrebet client yesterday put $20,000 on the Coalition at $4.10, although so much money has flowed for Labor since Ms Gillard's ascension that it did not bring in the ALP's starting price.

The single largest punt of $100,000 was made on Ms Gillard by a Perth punter last week.

Punters reckon the Greens' Adam Bandt is a good chance to take the Labor-held seat of Melbourne, where Finance Minister Lindsay Tanner is retiring.

Press Conference News...

Prime Minister Gillard arrived at Government House at 10.40am today to get the go ahead from the Governor-General, Quentin Bryce, to dissolve the Parliament.

She then held a press conference and said "I seek a mandate from the Australian people to move Australia forward. This election presents Australians with a very clear choice...whether we move Australia forward or go back. Moving forward with confidence also requires a strong set of convictions and a clear set of values. And over the last few weeks I have had the opportunity to share those values with the nation. I believe in hard work. I believe in the benefits and dignity of work. I believe in what comes as an individual when you do your best and you earn your keep. So in this, the forthcoming election campaign, I'll be asking the Australian people for their trust. "I'll be asking Australians for their trust so that we can move forward together".

The challenger, Tony "The Bruiser" Abbott had this to say...

"If there was one policy on which the coalition lost the last election, it was workplace relations. On workplace relations policy, the coalition trashed its own brand and has to re-establish trust. Trust will only be restored by demonstrating, over time, that the coalition again has the steady hands in which people's job security and pay and conditions can once more safely rest. Work Choices is dead. I've said that before. Today I've not just buried the body but cremated it too."

The Bruiser Jogs Into The Hilton Hotel Ballroom To Standing Ovation...

The challenger jogged into the Hilton Hotel ballroom to an impressive standing ovation and delivered a speech which was a mighty pre-election attack on the government.

"We are ready to govern" said the prizefighter.

Abbot noted that past 3 weeks were "chaotic" for the federal Labor government, since factional warlords "executed" Mr Rudd.

"There's been the mining tax fix based on a succession of lies, there's been the boatpeople fix that got lost somewhere in the Timor Sea and there's been the economic credibility fix that was hijacked by Kevin Rudd courtesy of questions from Laurie Oakes at the press club" he proclaimed.

The coalition requires a swing of 2.4% in order to get back into government, and note its just one term after Mr Rudd led Labor to an emphatic victory over John Howard's 11 years plus government.

The coalition will have to take 12 seats off the government and hold 5 seats, now notionally Labor, to govern in its own right.

Introducing Mr Abbott, Nationals leader Warren Truss told the audience that Ms Gillard could not be trusted.

"Kevin Rudd could not trust her word - why should we?".

Australian Federal Election Betting: A Guide...

The Australian Federal Parliament is bicameral, as it has two chambers: the House of Representatives (Lower House) and the Senate (Upper House). Members of each house are determined by a compulsory secret ballot of all Australians from across six states and two territories. These votes are then tallied using a preferential system (see below).

A system of Cabinet or "responsible" government based on the British Westminster tradition is practised. The party or coalition of parties commanding a majority in the House of Representatives becomes the government and provides the ministers (including the Prime Minister), all of whom must be members of the Parliament. Elections for the House of Representatives are held at least every three years.

The Constitution requires membership of the Australian House of Representatives to be, as nearly as practicable, twice that of the Senate. The House has 150 members: 50 from New South Wales; 37 from Victoria; 27 from Queensland; 12 from South Australia; 15 from Western Australia; five from Tasmania; two from the Australian Capital Territory; and two from the Northern Territory.

A Government need not command a majority in the Senate which has an equal number of members (12) from each State. The Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory were not represented in the Federal Parliament until 1975 when they each gained two Senators.

Normally, Senators serve a six-year term with half the Senate retiring every three years. Senators elected to represent the Territories, however, serve a maximum of three years and their terms coincide with those of the members of the House of Representatives. In Senate elections, the people of each State and Territory vote as single electorates.

Australian Federal Election Betting - Preferential Voting

The essence of preferential voting is that voters number candidates on the ballot paper in a rank order of choice. You put the number 1 next to your first choice candidate, 2 next to your second choice, and so on. If your first choice candidate is not elected and no candidate receives half of the vote, your vote may be re-examined for its next preference. The point of the system is to elect the most preferred candidate, to choose the candidate that can build an absolute majority of support in the electorate rather than the simple majority required for first past the post voting.

Australian Federal Election Betting - Bet Types

Centrebet offer Australian Federal Election odds as to the winner of the overall election (Coalition or Labor) as well as betting odds for individual seats of parliament.

Centrebet does not accept bets on when an election will be held, as obviously there would be a group of people within the Gillard Government who would have already decided.

Centrebet does accept bets on the election outcome; eg - Abbott (Liberal coalition) or Gillard (Labor). All up, just under $1.9 million was bet on the 2004 Australian federal election. *Public thank you to Centrebet for the detailed run down on political betting.

Stay tuned for more updates.

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The Late Mail...

Western Australian businessman and gorilla marketer, Kym Illman, a Media Man friend and associate, has ambushed the election... kind of... Illman, the "evil genius" has devised and now launched a clever online website where you can nominated yourself and your friends to run in the election. Check it out

Wrap Up...

Gillard or Abbott? Tell us in the forum. Readers, here's the standard joke for political campaigns the world over... "How do you know when a politician is lying? When their lips are moving! No offence Julia and Tony... we didn't make the joke up, we're just repeating it for the loyal international audience, probably more familiar with "I did not have sexual relations with that women" and 'Casino Jack'.

*The writer is a special contributor for Gambling911

*Media Man is primarily a media, publicity and internet portal development company. Gaming is just one of a bakers dozen of sectors they cover. They also offer political commentary and analysis.

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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Do You Support The Aussie Internet Filter?, by Greg Tingle - 13th July 2010

Readers, censorship and internet censorship continues to threaten your civil liberties. Big Brother and The Thought Police continue to battle for your mind and control. In the spirit of freedom of the press and freedom of speech we bring you yet another filter free report on the Australian censorship debate. Casino billionaires, politicians, media barons, journalists, insiders and everyone else... we know your watching so opt into to the discussion (and please do not opt in to anything illegal). Media Man and Gambling911 caffeine free report...

You've heard a lot about censorship and internet censorship on the pages of Media Man and Gambling911. Here's another chance to help get your voice heard, taking a few pages out of the PPA (Poker Players Alliance).

In a valiant attempt to gauge the genuine level of support for or against Sen. Conroy's Internet Filter proposal, a bush tucker swag of Australian I.T media outlets are supporting a combined survey.

There are a large number of Aussie I.T news media outlets that have expressed varying levels of disapproval for the Internet Filter proposal. Media Man and Gambling911 encourage open discussion and have covered the pros and cons for a number of years now. For the record, we do not condone or participate in kiddy porn or illegal pornography. We're media and internet portal companies and we suspect that most of the bright readership would be award of this.

With such massive condemnation and accompanying disapproval from the combined reader base it would seem that there is a strong groundswell to dump the filter.

About 90% of Australian's do not want the internet filter, according to stats from a range of surveys including Fairfax Media and Murdoch's The Daily Telegraph.

How large are the numbers of punters against it? Are the thousands of detractors on one media site the same thousands of detractors on another?

To help answer this question, a combined effort amongst numerous information technology firms has established a simple survey which has the ability to reject multiple votes. We will be able to get an indication of the total number of people opposed to the filter. Yes We Can!

Note, as with any questionnaire with self-selected participants, no conclusion can be drawn as to the relative proportions of supporters and detractors for the question; however, the actual numbers of nay-sayers can be significant.

Please, visit the link and vote; the question is so simple folks..."Would you vote for a political party that supports the internet filter?"

Stay tuned for more updates.

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Wrap Up...

There you go. That wasn't so hard to click the mouse to vote was it. Enjoy your web surfing, ideally and likely internet filter free (unless your behind the Great Firewall Of China). Have fun and keep it legal (proxy or no proxy).

*The writer is a special contributor for Gambling911

*Media Man is primarily a media, publicity and internet portal development company. Gaming is just one of a bakers dozen of sectors they cover. They also offer political commentary and analysis.

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Monday, July 12, 2010

Australia: Political Betting Odds and Updates, by Greg Tingle - 12th July 2010

Readers er punters, the gaming, casino, political and internet world continue to come together as one in a roundabout way. What kind of betting is starting to take off in a big way down under in Australia? Political betting, and that's with or without Paul The Psychic Octopus throwing in his 2 cents worth. Casino billionaires, politicians, media barons, journalists, insiders and everyone else... watch this space. Media Man and Gambling911 ambush the political ballot boxes (figure of speech) with this special report...

Punters, mark it down and get ready to put money down if you're that way inclined...28th August is widely regarded to be the Australian federal election date.

Centrebet head analyst Neil Evans said August 28 was now well in front of 21st August and the odds for 4th September had also picked up.

"I have been told by a Labor source that August 28 is the target date, with September 4 now being ear-marked as the back-up date," Mr Evans advised.

August 28 has now firmed from $1.85 to $1.70, while September 4 is $4.25 from $6.

Evans said a prominent Australian lawyer had waged $60,000 for Labor to win at $1.22.

The coalition are currently on $4.10 to win the next election.

Greens Head Bob Brown Tip August 21 or 28 Election...

I think either this week or next week she's likely to go to the Governor-General's office asking for an election," talking to Network Nine this past Sunday.

"The Labor strategists who changed the prime minister so readily over the mining tax will now be looking at the best time for the government to go to an election. I raised a glass to that myself, it's an historic breakthrough. However I think a lot of Green votes went across and parked with Julia and Labor voters came and parked with us."

Voters did not like the perceived (or real) mess "Jungle Girl" (Media Man tag) Gillard had made of the asylum seeker policy or her discrimination against same-sex couples in marriage laws, Senator Brown said.

The major parties did not realise the importance of climate change and setting a carbon price to voters, he said.

"The big parties are out of kilter with the majority feeling in this country. They need to change and get a carbon price."

The prime minister could not avoid setting a carbon price and if she did it would disadvantage the opposition, Senator Brown said.

"Tony Abbott will be seen as last century, totally out of touch on this issue," he said.

In the meantime Media Man has issued a public challenge to Tony "The Bruiser" Abbott to set in and show his "clout and punching power" re the banning of an upcoming boxing match in Sydney...

Aussie Boxing Match Banned Background And Update...

Australian boxing champ Danny "The Green Machine" Green is promising legal action after the NSW Combat Sports Authority delivered a last-minute bombshell forbidding Green's July 21 bout with veteran fighter Paul Briggs to be held in NSW.

Green's legal eagles are considering their options while organisers and promoters work around the clock to ensure the IBO cruiserweight title fight will go ahead at Perth's Challenge Stadium.

The NSW Combat Sports Authority has been bashed by both boxers after the board deemed Briggs was unfit to fight despite the 34-year-old twice being cleared by neurosurgeon Ahmed Mohammad and other top medical experts.

With the fight less than two weeks away, the NSW Combat Sports Authority canned the fight after a board meeting on Tuesday without giving either camp any prior notice that the fight, originally scheduled for the iconic Sydney Entertainment Centre, was in jeopardy.

Green is calling for NSW Premier Kristina Keneally to launch an enquiry into the NSW government board's mismanagement of the situation, stating his opponent is "100 per cent fit to fight". Media Man reckons Tony Abbott, leader of the opposition (Liberal) should throw some jabs at the situation, giving "The Bruisers" boxing and all round sporting background and passion.

"I'm outraged," the 37-year-old world champion said. How this little insignificant organisation can think they know more than neurosurgeons and top medical experts shows just how inexperienced they are. Briggs said he was "so angry" at the shock decision and declared himself in some of the best shape of his career. "I've been training the house down, I don't know what they are thinking" Briggs said. The only good news for NSW boxing fans is that Green has not ruled out boxing in Sydney again and tickets to the Sydney fight will be fully refunded.

Brigg’s 3-year absence from the ring was the reason the NSW Combat Sports Authority declared the fight was "unsafe" to go ahead.

Media Man has heard around the traps that this could be the start of a massive crackdown on boxing and other colourful entertainment events like UFC and burlesque. A Media Man insider was heard over saying "No wonder the WWE decided to go to PG13. It's a political strategy to help give them less headaches. The last thing the WWE wants is another scandal. UFC hasn't been able to get regulated in New York yet either, nor has the poker bill being passed in California, so the political machines are at work, its obvious".

Stay tuned for more updates.

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Wrap Up...

Gillard or Abbott? Green VS Briggs? Pick em time. Tells us in the forum. Should Abbott being a former boxing champ step in about the match being banned in Sydney? No swearing, even though we know all the old cliche... "How do you know when a politician is lying? When their lips are moving! No offence Julia and Tony... we didn't make the joke up, we're just repeating it for the loyal international audience, probably more familiar with "I did not have sexual relations with that women" and 'Casino Jack'.

*The writer is a special contributor for Gambling911

*Media Man is primarily a media, publicity and internet portal development company. Gaming is just one of a bakers dozen of sectors they cover. They also offer political commentary and analysis.

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Sunday, July 11, 2010

Australian Casino Wars: Mildura Media Wars?, by Greg Tingle - 11th July 2010

Readers er punters, casino billionaires, politicians, media barons, journalists, insiders and everyone else... the casino war battleground with a solid media war component has recently expanded in Australia, now no longer limited to the Crown Casino VS Star City Casino element, with a dash of Aus Vegas debate in Cairns, Victoria's regional Mildura is seeing an all mighty battle for the minds, media headlines, as the Mildura Jewel - for and against campaigners turns up the heat. Media Man and Gambling911, along with the sniffer dogs, Bluey and Timmy, hit the regional trail with this special report down under...

The latest casino war in the Asia Pacific is happening in Victorian Mildura, but its not Casino VS Casino, its pro casino campaigners VS the anti casino establishment, with media and new media (such as Media Man and Gambling911) being a significant part of the battlefield ala "the art of war".

The bush tucker mob against the Jewel Casino in regional Mildura advise they will continue a media saturation campaign to help ensure residents could make an "informed decision" about the proposal. You know, the good old fashioned community consultation type of thing, but the anti casino mob of course have their view out in the open for all.

Media Man research to date indicates that its a small ish but very vocal swag against the casino, with roughly 85% of the township wanting the neon lights, primed to offer jobs, a tourism boost and sustainable growth prospects, bringing money in to the community, then to be shared in a fair and balanced capacity, with government - council checks and balances.

Sunraysia Against Casinos spokesman Lance Milne said only overwhelming community support for the development would convince the organisation that it was wanted. Milne said in the meantime the organisation would be steadfast in its opposition against a casino in their backyard.

"We initiated a newspaper advertising campaign some weeks ago and we have booked 43 television advertisements to gain feedback and discuss before deciding on our next course of action.We also have plans to develop a website which will be our main form of communication with the public aside from media outlets. The advertising has been funded through donations from people who attended one of our earlier meetings and wanted to help out. We haven’t solicited donations as such, but we now have enough to cover our immediate plans.".

Media Man, Gambling911 and a swag of Australian based media and new media companies are delighted to hear that Sunraysia Against Casinos will be launching their own website and do believe that community consultation and awareness is a sound strategy.

A Media Man spokesperson said "Great to hear about the upcoming Sunraysia Against Casinos website. New media an in particular websites is a perfect way to get awareness both locally, state, nationally and internationally. The internet is a global medium. They will be able to get more feedback from the community, but maybe will get a few detractors and hate mail also. We think that the local council might do well to ramp up their coverage of the proposed casino also, perhaps by launching their own sub-site or website for the subject. That will counteract things are the Mildura casino, media and political wars continue to heat up. Here's to a good, clean fight and may the best campaigner win".

Punters er readers, stay tuned for more on Australian casino wars, and don't forget to check out the Darwin Aus Vegas casino - political wars also, certainly giving Mildura wars a run for their battle, despite one anti casino campaigning calling a proposal "Baraar"! Oh, Terri Irwin (Mrs Crocodile Hunter) is moving forward her plans for a Viva Croc Vegas - Crocodile A Mania theme park on the Las Vegas Strip as lady luck looks to be smiling for the Crocodile Queen on the jungle. Terri will create 1000s of jobs for Aussies and Yankees. As Australian casino king James Packer could tell you, there's money in and around the casino, gaming and tourism sector when done right. Something Mildura is just starting to grasp like an Aussie grass snake. Ssssss.

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Wrap Up...

Mildura Jewel Hotel and Casino? Heaven or Hell? Tell us in the forum, and know that your comments will be read by a vast national and international audience, so keep it clean and nasty snakes and crocodiles are not welcome!

*The writer is a special contributor for Gambling911

*Media Man is primarily a media, publicity and internet portal development company. Gaming is just one of a bakers dozen of sectors they cover. They also offer political commentary and analysis.

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Friday, July 09, 2010

Australians Catch Paul The Octopus Fever, by Greg Tingle - 9th July 2010

The Australian punting public and a number Aussie politicians and journalists have fallen in love with Paul The Octopus, and his curious mania and fever travels coast to coast, Paul's now the toast of the coast (but has managed to stay off the grill and out of boiler to date)... Media Man and Gambling911 spread their tentacles across the Atlantic, voyaging into the Pacific Ocean, reaching out to the golden sands of Bondi Beach, the Gold Coast and beyond.

It's official, Aussie's have been wrap up in Paul The Octopus Mania, with fevers been reported at hospitals across nationwide. The surgeon general advises the fever is only temporary and will relax one once the FIFA World Cup concludes, and a full recovery is forecast once the outcome of the upcoming Australian political election has been decided.

Journalists, politicians and internet entrepreneurs are understood to be in the bracket most susceptible to risk.

Millions of soccer nuts worldwide have taken the bait from the King Of All Octopuses and his management and will be watching when Paul The Octopus decides if he'll embraces his highly trained tentacles around a Spain's flag or that of the Netherlands.

The world's most famous sea creature and man of the moment is enjoying his stay at a German zoo, and hasn't put a foot wrong on soccer selections since the 2008 European final.

He will accurately predict the result of the World Cup final, but only if his workload has not exhausted him, a spokesman said.

The 8th wonder of the world, who shocked Germany by tipping the Spaniard's in the semi-final will today make his prediction for the 3rd place playoff between Germany and Uruguay.

Paul's handlers will follow the familiar and tried and tested routine...2 boxes will be lowered into his think tank, each containing a tasty selection of thinking octopus food and the flags of the two opposing teams.

Whichever box Paul opens is judged to be the winner of course.

Paul will then be offered boxes with Spanish and Dutch flags, the two teams in Sunday's showcase final for his consideration, but only if he is deemed not too tired to think drawing upon his out of this world powers.

"We do not want to overburden him," the spokesman said.

Punters would be at least $2538 AUD better off if they'd wagered $10 down at the conclusion and punted their winnings each time the octopus made his World Cup selection.

The switched on, gambling savvy animal has selected bait from boxes, representing Germany and its opponents, since the start of the South African spectacle.

Fans are convinced the uncanny cephalopod is much more intelligent than your average mollusk, bear, and may be as smart as a dolphin or whale.

Australian animal experts have been considering training up cattle dogs, sheep dogs and Labradors to see if they can achieved similar accuracy in picking winners to our friend Paul. The Australian Police Force, Customs and leading cattle stations have long enjoyed working side by side with animals, with most successes to date coming from K9's, man's best friend.

Aussie and Asia Pacific casino king, James Packer, also tuned into the ocean with one of his pads being located at Bondi Beach, is understood to have taken note of Paul's expertise. Mr Packer's Macau City Of Dreams and the Ho family connection, Melco - Crown and the like, have also taken note. The City Of Dreams has a US$250 million entertainment show 'The House of Dancing Water', and casino special attraction top brass are rumoured to be looking at ways to include Paul in their act, that is if business terms and creative juices flow. It all depends if Paul will put his tentacles on the bottom line, and if he can handle the extra workload.

Back to the soccer field, until the semi-final, Paul picked Germany's box before each match, except in the "group game" phase, when its Serbia's box caught his appetite. Serbia did win sports analysts advise.

When he went for a Spanish snack before yesterday AM s emi-final, it sent an curious sign to Germans.

CSIRO statistics man Geoff Robinson said the underwater gambling expert was a phenom.

"Odds are one chance in two to the power of six of guessing correctly - assuming that the octopus doesn't have psychic powers". And one in every 64 potential octopus substitutes would be expected to do this well. It isn't at all surprising. He is just lucky, and very photographic."

Melbourne Aquarium staffers advise octopuses are more savvy than you might think.

"They are one of the few animals that need interaction to stimulate them through the day," assistant curator Ali Edmunds said, "so we have lots of toys to keep them entertained. But ours can't place bets. They are very trainable and will do just about anything."

Swim back to Germany, disappointment at their 1-0 defeat to Spain turned to anger with some sections of the 350,000 sized crowd in Berlin insulting and even threatening both Paul and his mother.

To Media Man's outrage some fans have begun posting recipes on the internet, believing that Paul's reward for his clairvoyant powers should be a meeting with the boiler or BBQ, side by side with an Aussie shrimp on the barbie. Australian TV, movie (and BBQ tourism) legend Paul Hogan is remaining silent on the subject.

The Spanish Prime Minister has offered state protection for Paul as anger grows, but shrinks think he must be joking.

As earlier published by publishing powerhouse Gambling911...

"I am concerned for the octopus ... I am thinking of sending him a protective team," said Spanish Prime Minister Jose Zapatero on Radio Cadena Ser. His Environment and Fisheries Minister, Elena Espinosa, also suggested a moratorium on going after Paul. "On Monday, I shall be at the European Council of Ministers and I shall be asking for a (fishing) ban on Paul the octopus so the Germans do not eat him!"

German journalists are understood to have had sudden cravings for seafood, with squid being their favored item off the menu. One sports mad German journo said after the semi-final that he had "a sudden desire to eat a bit of squid".

Word of this swam to to Spanish fans and even ahead of the match Spanish Industry Minister Miguel Sebastian called for the creature to be given an "immediate" free transfer to Spain to "ensure his protection".

Political Update Thanks To Paul...

Australian Prime Minister, the smart, humble and most sexy Julia Gillard, will win the next election however Labor will 8 seats, the Aussie punters predict at this time. Rumours circulating around Bondi Beach tip that Paul The Octopus also agrees.

The Federal Government's chances, stocks and image, so it seems, have improved quite a bit since Labor boned (thanks Eddie McGuire) Kevin "Bloody" Rudd last month in favour of his former deputy Ms Gillard (speculation reigns for how long she will remain a Ms... marriage this year?)

Aussie betting - gaming giant Centrebet (Betfair - James Packer 50% owned is the competitor) still expects the Government to lose 8 seats at the upcoming election however still enough to form a 10-seat majority. That's 10 (think of Julia as the Bo Derek of Aussie politics hey baby).

Twitter - For Twits Or Smart Operators?...

Oh, did we mention... Julia Gillard recently joined the social networking craze with her Twitter account

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The Late News

Just in punters, Paul is rumoured to be swimming down to Bondi Beach to meet and greet the Bondi Beach Chamber of Commerce within the coming month. The rumour mill says Paul wants a friendly word in the ear of Malcolm "No Bull" Turnbull, former Leader of the Liberal Party. Malcolm "No Bull" Turnbull is a nature lover with at least 4 dogs and is a pro active member of the local surf club. We'll be quizzing Mal on whether he eats Octopus or not, and will be reporting back the findings. Current Liberal leader Tony Abbott will not be attending the upcoming function, but is a keen ocean swimmer, but hasn't spotted Paul in his swimming routes to date.

Bondi Surf Lifesaving Club and Network Ten's Bondi Rescue remain on high alert.

*The writer is a special contributor for Gambling911

*Media Man is primarily a media, publicity and internet portal development company. Gaming is just one of a bakers dozen of sectors they cover. They also offer political analysis and commentary.

*No animals or sea creatures were harmed in the research of this report

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Thursday, July 08, 2010

Aussie No Bull Internet, Casino And Politics Report, by Greg Tingle - 8th July 2010

Punters, insiders, outsiders, journos, casino entrepreneurs and whales, and everyone else, what an interesting eclectic mix. NRL, Spain Running Of The Bulls, Red Bull Mark Webber fun and games, Casino cruise ship lights out, web censorship and politics and more... Media Man and Gambling911 go swimming with the sharks, dolphins, tuna and the rest of god's creations, and catch a boat load feast for your culinary enjoyment...

Pamplona Bull Run In Spain - Bulls 2, Australian Bull Runner 0...

It's that time of the year. The annual running of the bulls in Spain. A Spaniard and an Australian were injured on 2nd day of the San Fermin Bull Festival in the Spanish city of Pamplona. The injured Aussie is aged 18 and comes from Melbourne and the 20-year-old Spaniard is from the northern city of Saragossa. Both were taken to hospital. Score: Bulls 2, runners 0. Odds for a kill? Don't know, but maybe the likes of Centrebet, Paddy Power and Gamebookers might like to have a stab at it. Odds on a kill anyone?

Caffeine, Coke, Cappuccino And Pills In Australian Football: No Bull...

Re AFL stories circulate that some players mixed the caffeine drink Red Bull with the insomnia drug Stilnox for recreational use.

Not to be outdone, allegations of a "prescription drug culture" at the Sydney Roosters coming from the charging of Roosters hooker friendly Jake "The Mate" Friend last month for having tablets in his possession without a prescription.

Mr Friend and teammate Todd Carney, who was with him in beachside suburb Coogee when he was arrested, have been totally cleared of any wrongdoing by the Roosters. Friend's matter has been adjourned for mention to 21st July at Waverley Local Court.

Punters and insiders. Should NRL, AFL and poker pros take caffeine pills (or other legal performance enhancing drugs)? Tell us in the forum.

NRL State Of Origin - QLD Beats NSW But NSW Gains Respect...

It's the greatest side in State of Origin history... QLD, has now enjoyed its clean sweep.
Last night, before 60,000 plus fans at Sydney's ANZ Stadium, Queensland capped of its 5-year dominance of Origin with a gripping victory and the first 3-0 win of the Mal Meninga era!

Final Score:

QLD 23 - NSW 18

Centrebet Odds For The Record

NSW $2.85 for the win
QLD $1.44 for the win

Betfair Odds

NSW $3.15
QLD $1.45

Casino Cruiser Liner Looses Power At Sea, Casino Neon Lights Fade...

Punters have long enjoyed going on cruises. In fact some are known as "floating casinos", and various ports of the world have acted as havens of sorts for operators, with Bermuda coming to mind. All is fun and games until the neon lights go out, as they recently did, with punters being forced to the sun decks away from Vegas on the water. Passengers aboard the Carnival Cruise Ship "Fascination" said the ship lost power and drifted at sea for about five hours last Wednesday. The Jacksonville Coast Guard confirmed that the ship had lost power, but could not say for how long. The Coast Guard said marine inspectors boarded the ship off the coast of Jacksonville Thursday morning and investigated the cause of the electrical fault before clearing it to sail into the port of Jacksonville. The ship, returning from a five-day cruise, arrived about three hours late Thursday morning. Port officials alerted passengers on the next "All of the sudden, all the lights and the power went out. The air conditioning went out. The motor went off," passenger cruise lover Rita McGartland said. "We were floating." We were actually underneath the radar, and when it stopped, I kind of wondered about that," passenger James Smith said. Carnival issued a statement saying the power loss was due to a technical malfunction. "Carnival sincerely apologizes to our guests for this disruption to their vacation plans," the company said. "Carnival offered passengers a 20% discount on any future two- to five-day Carnival cruise." The ship has about 1,000 staterooms and 10 decks. The ship, which is 855 feet long, can hold around 2,000 passengers. It also has a casino, art gallery, spa, teen club, tween club, kids' camp, nightclub for adults, mini golf, waterslides and pools.
Carnival likes to call the ship a floating resort and punters call it a "floating casino".

Australian PM Julie Gillard Defends Internet Filter; Joins Media Man Twitter...

Julia, when you read this, thank you for joining our Twitter yesterday, and we trust you had a giggle at our proposed Gillard VS Tony "The Bruiser" Abbott wrestling championship 3 way dance, with a bit of a 3 Way Dance angle thanks to Malcolm "No Bull" Turnbull. How about yesterday's media tweek which is understood to have caught the eye of 'Jules':
"PM Julia Gillard's belief - non belief system is the fasting growing "religion" - belief system the world; Australia respects Gillard's out". Not quite as infamous as the tweek from "That Comedian" earlier this year at Crown Casino on the Logies night re Bindi Irwin: "I do so hope Bindi Irwin gets laid" or "Rove and Tasma look so cute ... hope she doesn't die, too". We expect Vegas comedian Tony Clifton or maybe his dead mate, Andy Kaufman, to buy into the 2nd round of TwitterGate.

Twitter Hot List

Julia Gillard says she is aware of public concerns over the mandatory internet filter interfering with "legitimate use" however has vowed to push ahead with the controversial proposal. In her first comments on the filter since scoring the Labor leadership, Ms Gillard told ABC radio in Darwin that the proposal was in fact an effort to control the "dark side" of communications technology. "Images of child abuse, child pornography - they are not legal in our cinemas. Why should you be able to see them on the internet? I think that's the kind of moral, ethical question at the heart of this. I understand that there's a set of … technical concerns about internet speed, and also concerns that somehow this accidentally doesn't move into taking away legitimate use of the internet.

Senator Stephen Conroy with an interesting quote: "We are prepared to spend as much time as necessary to make sure we get it right. Sooner rather than later… does this mean December? No, I wouldn’t think it would be. But there could be intervening events I can’t be in control of".

So, the federal government hopes to introduce legislation to enable its controversial internet filter by the end of the year. Communications Minister Stephen Conroy keeps saying the legislation would be this year "sooner rather than later". Timing for the web filter legislation, which has earned the ire of ISPs and internet freedom advocates, depends on the date for the looming federal election and if Labor wins office. Most political commentators have predicted August to October as possible election dates. The polls are likely to occur before the Victorian election in late November. Centrebet money says Jillard will get in, while most current Fairfax Media web polls show an Abbott (Liberal) victory. Since the plan was put forward in the public domain circa 2007, Senator Conroy has apparently changed his mind several times on how the filtering scheme would eventually work. The latest measure or pitch if you will, is to create a list of web pages comprising refused classification-rated content and force internet service providers to automatically block them. Legislation will be introduced to require all ISPs to filter the RC content list. New Prime Minister Julia Gillard solidly backs the filtering plan. She's made her support known with... understood public concerns over the scheme but that Senator Conroy was working to find a resolution that would be in the "right shape". When Sen Conroy was quizzed if Ms Gillard had set a deadline for the filtering legislation to be introduced, Senator Conroy said: "We are prepared to spend as much time as necessary to make sure we get it right. The discussions we're having behind the scenes with various players are more interested in getting the implementation and the actual policy right rather than saying it's got to be done by some artificial deadline." Those talks include consultation with ISPs on how to increase accountability and transparency for RC material. "I expect it (the legislation) to be this year. I expect that we will table the legislation this year sooner rather than later. "If you're thinking 'does that mean December?' - no, I wouldn't think it would be December, but there could be intervening events that I am not in control of," Senator Conroy told the press. The policy would be implemented 12 months from the passage of legislation. RC broadly consists of illegal content but Google and a boat load of internet and censorship experts believe the list could potentially contain legitimate material. Labor Senator Kate Lundy's suggestion for an opt-in approach has been rejected.
US Ambassador to Australia Jeff Bleich has urged the government to ditch the plan, saying child pornographers can be captured and prosecuted without using mandatory internet filters. The government has said it will introduce legislation to establish the filter after consultations are complete, but it is most unlikely to bring it before Parliament ahead of the next election. The federal opposition is yet to formalise its position on the mandatory filter. Aussie punters and internet fans, enjoy your interent filter free viewing while you can. Your days may be numbered.

A Media Man spokeserson said "In regards to the Australian proposed internet filter...This could be a vote winner or election looser, all depending upon the way the government handles it. Gillard is a friendly face and appears to have the ear of Australians much better than Conroy... who tends to raise the ire and piss off the internet community. Australian residents, business people and web publishers and portals developers need a lot more detailed information as to make an informed decision. If your a web publisher or portal developer, like Media Man or a NineMSN for example, who do you draw the lines on media vs PR campaigns, affiliate programs VS advertising, links in and web links out and so on. This is complex and if your running a network of websites across a dozen different industry sectors, 10'000's of pages of content, dozens of campaigns and the like, well you can just imagine. We consult with legal and the Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance, but the bottom line is that we need to see what is proposed by the Australian government. For the record we are a media, publicity and internet portal development company, and we cover a dozen different sectors, gaming, politics, media and technology included. We don't want to have to contact United Nations, Virgin Unite, The Elders and Reporters Without Boarders again, but if we have to, we will. Let's get the proposal right. Catch the crims and let media companies, web publishers and the community at large use the internet in peace. The real crims are not going to be found anyway, but if the government thinks they can get them on the web, let them try, but good luck".

Macau Gaming Operators Will Struggle With Overcapacity Says Expert...

If the market environment were different from what it is today, gaming operators would be struggling. That would happen because "player’s knowledge is lacking, and at the same time loyalty programmes and market segmentation is missing," notes Sudhir H. Kalé, professor of Marketing at Bond University’s School of Business in Australia and a visiting professor at the University of Macau. As the author of dozens of published articles on the marketing and management aspects of gaming, Kalé says he is "not impressed" with the market strategy of local properties. He also says that currently, gaming operators in Macau "don’t have knowledge about their players and there is no market segmentation". That, he stresses, "has been the weakest link in every property". City Of Dreams and Asia Pacific casino and lifestyle king, James Packer may like to argue his point... "Because the market is high and everyone is benefiting, they seem not to worry, but things can change in the near future," the expert warns. Kalé recalls being asked a few years ago "who is the Wynn customer?" – an enquiry that got no answer at the time and one that remains unanswered, he says, even after all these years. "No property knows who their customers are, be it Wynn, Crown or Grand Lisboa," he says. Hence, evoming from the charging of Roostoup of patrons. "That makes it very difficult to differentiate yourself from your competitors. I think every property should decide who their customer is and then organise activities and plan a strategy based on trying to provide an incomparable experience to that customer, and not to others," the professor states. If a company chooses another road it will end up either offering the same package as their competitors or offering a special package to all customers. "At the end, it will not have any competitive advantage," Kalé says. For the recond, Media Man and Gambling911 have a pretty good idea of who its readers and patrons are. G'day RB, Steve, Calvin, Mort, Rupert, Bruiser, Jules, Ryan, JP, "Mr Watchdog", Mr Wolverine, Mr Spider-Man, Mr Excelsior, Mr Underbelly, Ms Lash, Ms Universe, Ms Crocodile Wildlife Warrior, Sly, Mr Terminator, Mr Cruiser, Mr Hulkamania, Nature Boy, Mr Webby, Mr Bull, John Smith, The Don, and everyone else. Sorry, changed the names to protect the innocene win

Betfair Odds

Jenson Button And Lewis Hamilton Clash Soon Says Red Bull Mark Webber; No Bull?...

The so-called special relationship between British F1 drivers Lewis Hamilton and Jenson Button was dismissed as nothing more than "smoke and mirrors" by their Red Bull rival Mark Webber. Webber's relationship with his team-mate Sebastian Vettel came under intense scrutiny after they crashed when running 1 and 2 in Istanbul ( Istan Bul for this No Bull Edition) at the end of May, while the mood between the Ferrari pair of Fernando Alonso and Felipe Massa has frequently sounded less than harmonious. But the Aussie said it was no different at the Woking-based camp and the relationship would be tested during the season. "They've been working very hard with smoke and mirrors at McLaren," he said. "Lewis and Jenson are always racing at the front and it's inevitable that it's gonna happen, because of what's at stake and both are hungry drivers." Speaking about his relationship with Vettel, Webber added: "We're pretty good. If Seb was drowning in the ocean I'd go in and save him. But it's totally natural that there will be rivalry. If you are like Jarno Trulli and Heikki Kovalainen (at Lotus) there isn't so much at stake right now. But look at Nelson Piquet and Nigel Mansell. They were both at the front and were both trying to win, and there was healthy rivalry. It's not possible in that situation to have a beautiful, fuzzy relationship because the other guy is a competitor. Here, the whole team learned from the incident in Turkey. It was a new experience for us. But 80% of the grid would give their right arm to be in a similar position, with two guys fighting at the front. As far as we are concerned, it's unlikely to happen again. The good thing is that I can stay at home, and I know all the back routes in from my cycling. I can feed the dogs and go in for the race. There are clear positives; we all know how much we like staying in hotels. I know the home crowd will be rooting for Lewis and Jenson, but I've always got on pretty well with the British fans. I've always lived in the UK." Vettel and Webber made it a Red Bull one-two at Silverstone last year and they need something similar this time on the new circuit if they are to reassert their position in this highly competitive season. It was a wonder Webber could speak, let alone look forward to Sunday's race, following his spectacular 200mph crash in Valencia 10 days ago. After his car smashed against Kovalainen's Lotus it soared in the air, hung there momentarily like a performing dolphin, and then crashed down, turning over before hitting a tyre barrier. The chassis is being rebuilt but Webber's leading mechanic, Mark "Crunch" Lenton thought it would not be used again and left an RIP note in it "You gave me the best day of my life, and also saved my mate." Webber said: "I don't get attached to my cars, but clearly my old one was unique. And it's mine. The team gave it to me after Monaco. It did a great job for me, there and in Valencia." There were a number of other fantastic crashes at the Red Bull factory yesterday (but fortunately they were on the simulator), built in-house at vast expense and introduced in March last year. "With new corners it's important to get a feel for them," said Webber. "Simulators are not the real thing but it's good to get a feel. I didn't realise, for example, just how tight the second left-hander is at the Arrowhead. The rest was as you'd expect. We'll be able to drive Korea before we ever get there ..."

Wrap up...

Did you enjoy your No Bull report? Are you drinking Red Bull? Tell us in the forum. Aussie F1 Mark Webber, keep powering in your Red Bull. Richard Branson, add more juice to your Virgin Racing. We don't want it heading south like the classic Virgin Cola from years back.
We know PartyGaming is going to give a run for your money, and now that the FIFA World Cup is taking a break, land based casinos and internet casinos will be returning to full speed, so watch out baby. Punters, as always, having fun, know the odds, keep it legal, and don't drink to much caffeine or Red Bull. Good punting and have fun. Punters, as always, having fun, know the odds, keep it legal, and don't drink to much caffeine or Red Bull. Good punting and have fun.

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*The writer is a special contributor for Gambling911

*Media Man is primarily a media, publicity and internet portal development company. Gaming is just one of a bakers dozen of sectors they cover.

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Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Australian Punters Bet On Julia Gillard PM, by Greg Tingle - 6th July 2010

The Australian punting public has spoken... they believe that Prime Minster Julia Gillard will hold on cum the next Australian election, likely to be held within 3 months... Media Man and Gambling911 probe politics and watch the watchers...

Australian Prime Minister, the smart, humble and most sexy Julia Gillard, will win the next election however Labor will loose 8 seats, the Aussie punters predict at this time.

The Federal Government's chances, stocks and image, so it seems, have improved quite a bit since Labor boned (thanks Eddie McGuire) Kevin "Bloody" Rudd last month in favour of his former deputy Ms Gillard (speculation reigns for how long she will remain a Ms... marriage this year?)

Aussie betting - gaming giant Centrebet, (Betfair - James Packer 50% owned is the competitor) still expects the Government to lose 8 seats at the upcoming election however still enough to form a 10-seat majority. That's 10 (think of Julia as the Bo Derek of Aussie politics hey baby).

With this scenario, Labor would hold 80 federal seats, in comparison with 67 for the Coalition and 3 for the independents (Bob Brown and friends).

A redistribution has made 5 Coalition-held seats notionally Labor, putting 88 electorates in the Government's column so to speak.

A uniform swing (not swinger) of 1.5 per cent away from Labor would see the Government lose 8 seats, including the electorate of Bennelong held by high-profile television journo queen cum MP Maxine McKew.

Disendorsed MP Belinda Neal's NSW central coast seat of Robertson would also fall to the coalition along with Perth WA electorate of Hasluck and the Darwin NT seat of Solomon.

Labor's odds of winning the next election have shortened to $1.29 with the Coalition's odds now at $3.50, following a whopping $50,000 bet with Centrebet on the weekend.

This is the Government's shortest odds of victory since December last year, when the Liberals dumped Malcolm Turnbull as leader for Tony Abbott.

Centrebet has temporarily suspended betting for an election date, with August 28 presently the favourite.

With Ms Gillard heading to Queensland, an election is unlikely to be called today for early August.

Meanwhile, Ms Gillard has finally joined the social-networking site Twitter - and she's sent it into a Sunday afternoon feeding frenzy.

Ms Gillard had been maintaining a dignified silence on Twitter, which other politicians appear addicted to.

But commensurate with her new role running the country, Ms Gillard joined the internet age on today.

Tweeting under "JuliaGillard", the prime minister said: "I've decided it's time to take the Twitter plunge! Hopefully Ill master it. JG."

Within half an hour of her first tweet, Ms Gillard had surged to 450 followers, and was adding one follower every three seconds.

Her site includes an ALP logo and a smart photograph of her in matching necklace and earrings.

Twitter allows anyone to sign up send out messages of 140 characters or less whenever they like; others sign up and follow the messages.

Ms Gillard may be the talk of Twitter but she has a long way to go before she can match her former boss Kevin Rudd, who has almost one million people following his regular tweets.

Posting under the not-entirely-accurate moniker "KevinRuddPM", Mr Rudd's latest message showed him enjoying a day out with his family on the Sunshine Coast.

"Doing normal things like shopping. Turns out I'm still a lousy shopper," Mr Rudd tweeted yesterday.

Mr Rudd's recent posts have received wide media coverage as he communicated what he was up to and how he felt after losing the leadership. His wife, Therese Rein, is also a committed tweeter.

Mr Abbott is just shy of 10,000 followers on Twitter.

Meanwhile, Ms Gillard has called for an open debate on asylum seekers days before the Government is expected to announce a new policy on refugees.

A three-month freeze on the processing of Sri Lankan asylum seekers is due to expire on Thursday.

Ms Gillard would not be drawn on what decision the Government would make or if it would apply to refugees more broadly.

However, she said people should be able to speak their mind on the issue, free from political correctness.

"I'd like to sweep away any sense that people should close down any debate, including this debate, through a sense of self-censorship or political correctness," Ms Gillard said while on a tour of bushfire-ravaged Marysville in Victoria.

"People should say what they feel and my view is many in the community should feel anxious when they see asylum seeker boats and obviously we as a government want to manage our borders.

"For people to say they're anxious about border security doesn't make them intolerant, it certainly doesn't make them a racist, it means that they're expressing a genuine view that they're anxious about border security.

"By the same token people who express concern about children being in detention, that doesn't mean they're soft on border protection, that just means that they're expressing a real human concern."

Media Man prefers Gillard's approach, style and media policy to that of her former equivalent, Kevin Rudd. We hope Senator Stephen Conroy ("Minister Of Censorship") picks up on a few communication tips from "Our Julia".

Australian's wish our American friends a belated Happy Independence Day - 4th of July

Twitter - For Twits Or Smart Operators?...

Oh, did we mention... Julie Gillard recently joined the social networking craze with her Twitter account

Media Man Int Twitter

Media Man Politics Twitter

Gambling911 Twitter

Media Man Politics profile

Media Man Centrebet profile

Punters, please play it legal, bet with your head, not over it, know the odds, have fun and try to remember to vote, unless you can get a donkey to vote for you... just kidding.

PS: Julia, are you certain about keeping Senator Stephen Conroy on board? Then again, Media Man spies advise that he's been listening to Crown Casino king James Packer, continuing on great work with GenerationOne and Andrew "Twiggy" Forrest, so perhaps excellent idea to keep Sen Conroy. We note the proposed Aussie internet filter proposal is getting reconsidered. If done right it may be a vote winner, if done wrong, it may be The Election Looser!

Political Trivia...

American President Barack Omaba is the only present to ever make front cover of Marvel Comic

Marvel icon Stan Lee 2 years ago related comic 'Election Daze'

Australian PM Julie Gillard was voted by Australians as the Sexiest Politician

Aussie sex symbol Madame Lash (Gretel Pinniger) formed her own ill fated political party in 1996 based out of Palm Beach, The Extra Dimension Party! She had promised to bring "rubber, leather, glitter, glamour and, of course, lashes" to Canberra! Lash was also understood to have enjoyed a spanking good relationship with Clyde Packer, same family as gaming and media mogul, the late Kerry Packer (father of James Packer).

Jesse 'The Body' Ventura (James George Janos), former governor of Minnesota was once also a front man for American sports betting and gaming company, BetUS

Linda McMahon, World Wrestling Entertainment former CEO, is running for U.S Senate. She announced her candidacy for U.S. Senator from Connecticut on September 16, 2009. On May 21, 2010, she became the presumptive nominee, winning a majority of support from the Connecticut Republican Party. She is running as a Republican, campaigning on promises of lower taxes, fiscal conservatism, and job creation.

Jack Abramoff was a Washington, D.C. lobbyist, businessman, and con man. He is the key figure in the gaming and political themed 'Casino Jack and the United States of Money' documentary film and the story is also known as 'Bagman', staring Kevin Spacey as Jack.

Malcolm Turnbull, former leader of the Liberal Party of Australia is also an internet entrepreneur and made millions with his once start up, ISP OzEmail.

Crown Casino and competitor, Star City Casino, are a few of the biggest donors to Australia's major political parties (Labor and Liberal)

Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger the 38th Governor of California, acting and bodybuilding icon, is also featured in the online slot game 'The Terminator' found at political and media savvy - PartyGaming -

*The writer is a special contributor for Gambling911

*Media Man is primarily a media, publicity and internet portal development company. Gaming is just one of a bakers dozen of sectors they cover. They also offer political analysis and commentary.

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